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Efficacy of Early Intervention with Liskantin or Primidone to Decrease Developmental Delay in Children with Drowet and GEFS+ Syndrome (51855 Views)
Musculoskeletal Chest Pain in Pateints with Normal Cardiac Evaluations (47859 Views)
Letter to Editor: Whether Injecting Stem Cells in Treating Cerebral Palsy Affect? (46142 Views)
Cost Benefit Analysis of Detoxification in Addicts Over 40 in Human Recovery Population (Congress 60). (40886 Views)
Psychometrics Characteristic of Beck Depression Inventory-II in Patients with Magor Depressive Disorder (37044 Views)
Effeciveness of Citalopram, Alprazolam and Clomipramine in Amelioration of Negative Sympotoms in Schizphrenia (30566 Views)
Girls and Women with Physical Disabilities: Needs and Problems (28813 Views)
Developing the Persian Version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-100 Questionnaire (27265 Views)
Behavioral Disorders in Children of Addicated Fathers (26615 Views)
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A Comparison of Coping Styles of Mothers of Exceptional Children with Mothers of Normal Children (26329 Views)
Translation and Adaptation of Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) in to Persian and Testing Persian Version Reliability Among Iranians with Osteoarthritis (26272 Views)
Diffevential Diagnosis of Frimary Stuttering and Normal Nonfluency in Children Referring to Saba Clinic (25732 Views)
Review: Psychogenic Aspect of Pain & Coceptualization of Psychogenic Pain in Children (25493 Views)
Classification of Neuromuscular Disorders Based an Clinical Criteria , Molocular and Immunohistochemisty Analysis in Tehran Pateints (25314 Views)
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Validity and Reliability of WHOQOL-DIS Questionnaire in Iranian Older People with Disability (19105 Downloads)
Psychometrics Characteristic of Beck Depression Inventory-II in Patients with Magor Depressive Disorder (12996 Downloads)
Review Paper: Sexual and Reproductive Health Challenges in Women With Physical-Motor Problems and Their Solutions (12080 Downloads)
Developing the Persian Version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-100 Questionnaire (8712 Downloads)
Girls and Women with Physical Disabilities: Needs and Problems (7529 Downloads)
The Effectiveness of Play Therapy Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Model: Behavioral Problems and Social Skills of Pre-School Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (6585 Downloads)
Comparison of Scapular Position in Dominant and Non Dominant Sides of Healthy Adult's Females (6563 Downloads)
Slow-Learner Student, Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence, Wechsler, Leiter, Goodenough (6126 Downloads)
Psychometric Properties of iranian Version of Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in Low Back Pain Patients (6120 Downloads)
Classification of Neuromuscular Disorders Based an Clinical Criteria , Molocular and Immunohistochemisty Analysis in Tehran Pateints (5969 Downloads)
Study of Face and Content Validity of the Persian Version of Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Preschool Version (5616 Downloads)
Research Paper: Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Behavioral Problems in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability (5615 Downloads)
Research Paper: Effectiveness of Group Play Therapy on the Communication of 5-8 Years Old Children With High Functioning Autism (5612 Downloads)
Effect of Behavior Management Training for Mothers With Children having ODD Symptoms (5320 Downloads)
Efficacy of Executive Functions Training (Response Inhibition) on the Rate of Impulsivity in Preschool Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Single-Subject Research (5300 Downloads)
The Analysis of Relation between Learning Disorders and Language Difficulties in Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities (5196 Downloads)
Study the Relationship of Executive Functions with Behavioral Symptoms in Children with High-Functioning Autism (5184 Downloads)
Relationship between Personality Characteristics, Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life Mental Health of People with Disabilities (5146 Downloads)
Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on Social Adjustment and Social Phobia Among Physically-Disabled Persons (5126 Downloads)
Spiritual Intelligence Relationship with Coping Strategies (5075 Downloads)
Effect of Emotion Management Training to Mothers on the Behavioral Problems of Offspring: Parents’ View (5023 Downloads)
Translation and Adaptation of Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) in to Persian and Testing Persian Version Reliability Among Iranians with Osteoarthritis (4917 Downloads)
Instructional Games Effect on Learning of Some Mathematics Concepts in Boy Students with Educable Mentally Retarded (4890 Downloads)
Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Social Adjustment of Elderly People (4859 Downloads)
Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Executive Functions in Adolescent Survivors of Leukemia: A Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trial (4839 Downloads)
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Indexing and Abstracting ( 29229 view)
Ethical Principles for Psychological Research ( 24982 view)
Editorial Board ( 22497 view)
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Instruction to Authors ( 19578 view)
Sample Articles ( 17687 view)
Code of Publishing Ethics ( 16149 view)
Writing Instruction of Manuscript ( 15292 view)
References Guideline ( 15270 view)
Aims & Scopes ( 14804 view)
Financial Policies ( 13222 view)
CrossMark Policy ( 13168 view)
Ethical Principles for Medical Research ( 12092 view)
Open Access Policy ( 10717 view)
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Article Processing Charges ( 9862 view)
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Journal Information ( 359 send)
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Writing Instruction of Manuscript ( 139 send)
Sample Articles ( 87 send)
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Editorial Board ( 2083 print)
Instruction to Authors ( 1382 print)
Journal Information ( 1130 print)
Writing Instruction of Manuscript ( 885 print)
Aims & Scopes ( 754 print)
Sample Articles ( 587 print)
Indexing and Abstracting ( 463 print)
References Guideline ( 443 print)
Code of Publishing Ethics ( 434 print)
Open Access Policy ( 433 print)
Policies and Guidelines of Peer Review ( 386 print)
Conflict of Interest ( 380 print)
Contact Information ( 356 print)
Ethical Principles for Medical Research ( 351 print)
Ethical Principles for Psychological Research ( 348 print)
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