Volume 14, Issue 3 (Autumn 2013)                   jrehab 2013, 14(3): 47-55 | Back to browse issues page

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Daryabor A, Saeedi H, Yazdani M, Ghasemi M S, Nabavi H, Mohammadpour A et al . The Effect of Standard and Beveled Heels of Orthopedic Shoe on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces during Walking in Healthy Subjects. jrehab 2013; 14 (3) :47-55
URL: http://rehabilitationj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1285-en.html
1- Medical Sciences Universitiy of Iran, Tehran, Iran. , r_daryabor@yahoo.com
2- department of orthosis and prothosis, department of orthosis and prothosis
3- department of ergonomics, department of ergonomics
4- science and research branch islamic azad university, science and research branch islamic azad university
Abstract:   (20897 Views)

Objective: in normal walking, repetitive vertical ground reaction forces are tansformed on musculo-skeletal system. Magnitude of force during impact is major contributor to overuse injuries. Purpose of this study was the evaluate to effect of standard and beveled heel at orthopedic shoe on vertical ground reaction forces during walking in healthy subjects.

Materials & Methods: 30 healthy adults (12 male, 18 female) participated in this study by simple impossible sampling. Subjects walked along an 8-m walkway in three different conditions: barefoot, orthopedic shoe with standard heel and orthopedic shoe with beveled heel. Vertical ground reaction force data collected in initial stance phases of walking using Kistler force plate.

Results: Results of this study showed significant increasing in impact force in barefoot compared with orthopedic shoe with standard and beveled heels (P˂0.0001). First peak of vertical force and loading rate showed significant reduction in orthopedic shoe with beveled heel compared with orthopedic shoe with standard heel (P˂0.05).

Conclusion: using the beveled heel by changing the location of the ground reaction force from the ankle joint axis, facilitated first rocker and reduce first peak of vertical force and loading rate. because of complication of deleterious loads on lower limb during walking, we could use of this type of heel for some of the patient with special orthopedic disease.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Orthotics & Prosthetics
Received: 1/05/2013 | Accepted: 18/06/2013 | Published: 13/01/2014
* Corresponding Author Address: department of orthosis and prothosis

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