Volume 8 - Special Issue: Rehabilitation in Psychotic Disorders & Diseases                   jrehab 2007, 8 - Special Issue: Rehabilitation in Psychotic Disorders & Diseases: 21-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Shah-Veysi B, Shoja-Shefti S, Fadaei F, Dolatshahi B. Comparison of Mental Illness Stigmatization in Families of Schizophernic and Major Depressive Disorder Patients without Psychotic Features. jrehab 2007; 8 :21-27
URL: http://rehabilitationj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-125-en.html
1- Razi Hospital, University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , E-mail: B-Veysi@uswr.ac.ir
Abstract:   (13784 Views)

Objective: This study was directed to compare the effect of mental illness stigmatization and its related features on the families of the patients with the schizophrenia and major depressive disorder (MDD) without psychotic features, based on the criterion of DSM-IV-TR conducted on 2005.

Materials & Methods: This research was a cross – sectional and comparative study which performed on 40 family members in each group of above mentioned disorders, who had such medical record at Razi psychiatric center or clinic. The interviews were performed using a self–administered 34 items questionnaire which has shown its validation in previous studies.

Results: The findings indicated that forty - five percent of the schizophrenia group and thirty – two point five percent of the MDD without psychotic features, have been under discrimination and humiliation .The results have also shown that there is only in the schizophrenia group, a significant correlation between the stigma in the family and the duration of patient’s mental disorder and the frequency of their hospitalization (P<0.05). There has also been a significant correlation between the diagnosis of the illness and it’s denying and hiding by the family members (P<0.05).

Conclusion: One half of the families of psychiatric patients experiences the humiliation and discrimination and suffering from the stigmatization which in turn makes them feel uncomfortable and ashamed. The type of the psychiatric disorder play a major role in the stigmatization. The psycho – education of the family along with the general education of the community can have a significant effect on the reduction and hopefully elimination of such stigma.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 30/09/2007 | Accepted: 11/10/2015 | Published: 11/10/2015

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