Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2014)                   jrehab 2014, 15(1): 53-62 | Back to browse issues page

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Mazloum V, Rahnama N. Comparison of the Effects of Therapeutic exercise and Pilates Training on Function and Proprioception in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial . jrehab 2014; 15 (1) :53-62
URL: http://rehabilitationj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1310-en.html
1- University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. , Vahid.Mazloum@yahoo.com
2- University of Isfahan, University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (10321 Views)

Objective: Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) as one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders, leads to joint degeneration and consequent deterioration of function and proprioception. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Pilates exercise on knee OA.

Materials & Methods: Forty-one male individuals were randomly categorized into three groups, including Pilates, conventional exercise therapy, and control. Proprioception, objective assessment of functional performance, and patients’ pain and disability were examined using Biodex system, aggregate time of four activities of daily living, and Lequesne Index. Descriptive statistical, One-Way ANOVA, and Scheffe test were utilized to analyze the data (P<0.05).

Results: The result of descriptive analysis of demographic data was as follow: (Mean±SD: Age 52.1±8.9 years, Time of knee OA involvement 23.3±11.2 months). While there was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the experimental groups in improving of functional status and angle reproduction error, they both resulted in more significant (P<0.001) influence than the control. However, significant improvement (P<0.001) in Lequesne Index was gained by participants who followed the exercise protocols, but the Pilates technique had more significant (P<0.05) effects.

Conclusion: Pilates training can improve functional ability and proprioception in patients with knee OA. Further studies are required to find out the mechanism.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Physical Therapy
Received: 17/07/2013 | Accepted: 24/11/2013 | Published: 21/03/2014
* Corresponding Author Address: Shahid Bahoonar university of Kerman

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