Volume 12 - Special Issue: Addiction Researches                   jrehab 2012, 12 - Special Issue: Addiction Researches: 37-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaei O, Hossein-Zadeh H, Dolatshahi B, Masafi S, Ja'fari F. Recognizing of the Primary Maladjusted schema in Opium-dependent and Opium-independent Individuals. jrehab 2012; 12 :37-44
URL: http://rehabilitationj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-972-en.html
1- Substance Abuse and Dependence Research Center, University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , dr.Rezaei@uswr.ac.ir
2- behzisty
Abstract:   (18632 Views)

Objective: Substance dependence is a complex phenomenon that arises from the interaction of several factors, and researchers use different approaches to solve the problem. This study aimed at identifying the first incompatible schema in opium-dependent individuals to facilitate the treatment of these individuals.

Materials & Methods: This research is a field study and ex post facto study. The statistical population includes the subjects who referred to Aban addiction quitting center in Tehran to quit using opium. The sample number is sixty. Thirty subjects were chosen accidentally from the list of the people who had referred to the hospital and from among their relatives, thirty subjects were chosen as the evidence group. The evidence group answered to demography and Young questionnaires.

Results: Using SPSS and through the independent T – Test, the data were analyzed. The finding revealed that in disconnection and rejection domains as well as autonomy and impaired performance, there were significant differences at (P<0.001) level of significance. In addiction (P<0.005). There was a significant difference in directionality domain. In general, in all schemas, the opium dependents had more inefficiency, but in impaired limits, vigilance and avoidance domains, the difference was not significant.

Conclusion: since schema therapy could be an effective technique used by the psychologists in rehab centers, recognizing the incompatible schemas in subjects could shorten the length of the therapy.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Addiction
Received: 29/11/2011 | Accepted: 30/04/2013 | Published: 30/04/2013

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